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Arts Commission

Arts Commissioners

Keera Allen

Eric De luliis

Mark Fike

David Wilber

The Dimondale Village Council approved an Ordinance creating an Arts Commission to oversee the implementation of public art throughout the Village. The six-member Commission was created in 2020 and is awarded its first project, art at the park next to the basketball court on the corner of Bridge and Jefferson streets.

Donations may be made to the Dimondale Arts Commission for the acquisition of public art by contacting the Village Office at 517-646-0230 or emailing  Please review our Donation Policy and contact the Village Manager with any questions.

To apply to be a member of the Arts Commission, complete the citizen involvement form.      

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Bridge Between Banks  [MAP]

Artist Ivan Iler evoked an image of the community’s earliest days with this sculpture. Made from multiple layers of corten steel, the trees and bridge shift as you move by it honoring a scene found in a photo from this same area ca. 1907. The piece sits at the corner of the pocket park on Jefferson and Bridge. Installed September 2022.

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The River (Runs Through Us)      [MAP]

Artist Richard Tanner had fond memories as a child fishing in the village of Dimondale. For this sculpture, he drew on inspiration from the smallmouth bass he used to catch and used a combination of rocks found in the river and metal that was installed near the river in Danford Island Park.  Installed June 2022.

136 N. Bridge St., POB 26, Dimondale, MI 48821 | 517.646.0230 | Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

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