Protecting Our Corner of the Watershed
Lawn Fertilizer and Storm Drains
Are you in the habit of applying fertilizer or paying someone to fertilize your lawn every spring? Did you know that when fertilizer is applied improperly it may pollute the Grand River, its tributaries and eventually the Great Lakes? Though we all want green and luscious lawns this spring and summer we also need to be aware of the potential hazards our lawn may cause. When too much fertilizer is applied it washes off and becomes very harmful to the environment. This is especially true when rain carries fertilizer straight to the storm drains which empty directly to rivers, streams and lakes. Here are some easy tips to keep in mind:
Don’t guess, soil test for proper fertilizer recommendations
Choose a product with low or no phosphorous
Maintain a NO APPLICATION ZONE near rivers, streams, ponds and storm drains
Never discharge clippings into rivers, streams, ponds or storm drains
Fall is the best time to fertilize your lawn
* Report all elicit discharges such as materials being dumped into a storm drain or direct connections to the river by contacting the Village Office at 517-646-0230 or the EGLE hotline 1-800-292-4706.